Use "differ|differed|differing|differs" in a sentence

1. Apart from differing needs of users, indexing approaches may differ on policy grounds.

2. The Bacteriologies of hospital- and community-acquired infection differed substantially , and both differ from pneumonia, which is consistent with previous small reports (5–15).

3. Opinions differed about the Bombardon/tuba

4. Beg to Differ synonyms, Beg to Differ pronunciation, Beg to Differ translation, English dictionary definition of Beg to Differ

5. Oospore germination differed significantly among different isolates.

6. We soon found that prices differed enormously.

7. The campaign tactics of the two contestants differed markedly.

8. Most differed from them also in wearing makeup.

9. Rostovtsev's last memorandum and Panin's first differed significantly.

10. Afforestation differs from reforestation

11. Tastes differ.

12. The Archean world differed greatly from that of today.

13. This differed substantively from the ancient Greek emission theory.

14. Below, I look down on the differing surfaces, the differing states of ripeness from light green through to gold.

15. North American Aboriginal peoples have differing views …

16. Christians are united despite their differing backgrounds

17. Connivance also differs from collusion

18. Reaction to Japanese rule among the Taiwanese populace differed.

19. I thought temples differed from government offices or papers.

20. Carbon differs from ordinary charcoal.

21. 3 In most practical aspects heritable copyhold differed little from socage.

22. How agnostic Differs from Atheist

23. It differs from most Activity …

24. The epitaxial structure has areas of differing bandgap.

25. 14 Confederation differs little from federation.

26. We agree to differ.

27. Formerly the boundaries differed with the size of the ground .

28. We adopt differ method for corresponding differ accuracy in radio wave refractive errors correction.

29. Opinions differ, my lord.

30. I beg to differ .

31. 19 Below, I look down on the differing surfaces, the differing states of ripeness from light green through to gold.

32. Also, Aggregational behavior differed under different wavelengths (ANOVA, p < 0.0001)

33. Policy differs from rules or law.

34. It differs somewhat from town to town.

35. My recollection of events differs from his.

36. We beg to differ.

37. Even government officials have differing opinions on the project.

38. He explains: "There are certainly many areas where we differ, but we agree to differ.

39. French differs from English in this respect.

40. Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.

41. She differed from early realists as much as cubism from impressionism.

42. 22 Nylon and silk differ.

43. My recollection of events differs from hers.

44. How migas and Chilaquiles differ

45. We differ about moral standards.

46. Both sides had a similar number of ships, but their design differed.

47. The rural hinterland which supported the two best known cities differed greatly.

48. Bottomry differs materially from a simple loan

49. The definition of candiru differs between authors.

50. Japanese differs greatly from French in pronunciation.

51. Chinese differs from English in pronun-ciation.

52. The two approaches differ markedly.

53. We must agree to differ.

54. Predictably, Boston begs to differ.

55. After World War II, opinions differed about the value of Armour protection

56. The process of succession of these Caliphs to the Caliphate differed from

57. Bonapartism differed somewhat under Louis-Napoléon (Napoleon III from Dec

58. (22) Activity-based costing differs from traditional costing.

59. 30 My recollection of events differs from his.

60. How this dimension differs from "Ad request size":

61. In M2 Anaphases of cells with differing numbers of chromosomes

62. My parents loved each other and accepted their differing beliefs.

63. Five subspecies are recognised, differing most significantly in beak size.

64. Their village structure and administration differed somewhat from the Russian population that surrounded them.

65. Antihypertensives from various groupings had differing effects on gouty occurrences

66. Throughout this era, Sassanid religious policy differed dramatically from king to king.

67. 20 She differed from early realists as much as cubism from impressionism.

68. VIEWS on faith differ dramatically.

69. All autoradiographic parameters showed marked diurnal variations, the amplitudes of which differed individually.

70. Each writer's style differs from that of another.

71. Precipitation differs from Agglutination in which way? a

72. Our tastes differ from each other.

73. Apple and others beg to differ.

74. Ken Howard might beg to differ.

75. The 50 clones differed on average from one another in 3 vegetative characters.

76. The results, on virtually every test, differed markedly from a control group of healthy adults.

77. Calculatedearth shows what our planet looks like at differing sea levels.

78. Behind the doors are persons of differing personalities, circumstances and viewpoints.

79. In these trying times , to differing degrees, they've come of age.

80. The differing needs might not be irreconcilable with an improved system.